Friday, March 13, 2009

Relief Society Birthday Party

Hats off to those who planned this fun night! Sis. Mitchell's daughter performed a hilarious skit about all of the "hats" women wear throughout a single day. Then Sis. Liechty led a game of bean bag tossing. The night ended with some fun awards for the most unique hats and Sis. Anderson shared a neat talk about the amazing women in our ward. The food was great and everyone had a lot of fun. Thank you, Enrichment committee! And now, the pictures. :) Bwahaha!

I have lots more pictures, too. If you want copies, just let me know! Thanks!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

New Member of the Bishopric

We have a new bishopric! Well, kind of. We have one new bishopric member. :) Bro. Michelsen was called to replace Bro. Loftus as the 2nd counselor in the River View Ward bishopric. Here's a pic of the new bunch. Aren't they handsome fellows?

Valentine's Party

On Friday, Feb. 13th, the ward held a Valentine's Party with Bro. and Sis. Harrison teaching swing dancing. They are terrific dancers and were fun to watch! Everyone had a lot of fun visiting and eating ice cream sundaes. Here are some pics taken by Bro. and Sis. Dahl: